Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend 2009

We had a wonderful time with family and friends at my dad's river house last weekend. Friends included Mike and Angela and their girls and Keith and his dog. Our immediate family, consisting of my husband, Don, sons, Ryan (18) and Adam (15), and daughter, Rebecca (11), were all able to go, including Adam's girlfriend, Heather. Also, my sister-in-law, Donna, and niece, Kelsie, were there. We were greeted the first night with this beautiful sunset.

There was a lot of relaxing, napping, reading, playing games, great food, boating, canoeing, swimming and wonderful fellowship.

Is there anything better than slowing down to enjoy the life that God's given you? After having cancer twice, I really appreciate life.

Sunday morning I walked/ran 8 1/2 miles. It's one of my favorite routes, especially down at the "rivah." I walk from Daddy's house to a subdivision that's on the Chesapeake Bay and back. There is a house on the Bay that has beautiful landscaping. There is so much to look at and appreciate. I'm always tempted to stop and ask if the metal sculptures that are in the yard are the handiwork of the owner. I'm trying to stay in shape for my next half marathon. I think that will be the Patrick Henry Half Marathon in Ashland, VA on August 29th.

But, back to our long weekend. Ryan, who is in the Air Force and stationed at Langley AFB in Hampton, VA, was able to be part of the weekend. Here's a picture of him riding on the tube behind the boat.

And another of Kelsie and Donna.

The kids tried fishing one afternoon, with no luck. From reading Facebook posts, very few people had any success with fishing on Memorial Day weekend.

Here's a picture of Adam and Heather in the canoe. They were inseparable the whole weekend.

I am so thankful that I am blessed with a beautiful family and friends. I'm looking forward to our next gathering.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a great time. Nice pictures.

    You are right, slowing down at time to enjoy what we have - health, family - is really important.
